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Kicking Up The Dirt - 2019-2020 Presentation Dinner
Joanne White posted Sunday August 9, 2020.

It has been twenty-one long weeks since our last Sprintcar race meeting in South East Queensland and while our 2019-2020 season was cut short, and our annual end of season celebration was a little delayed, last night some of our finest headed to Hotel Grand Chancellor in Brisbane for the 2019-2020 Season Sprintcars Queensland Presentation Dinner.

While things were a little different with social distancing guidelines shaping how we were able to run the event, we were not going to let any of that get in the way of celebrating the season and the achievements of our drivers and teams.

We had a last minute change of MC when regular Wade Aunger was unable to attend from Victoria, with Archerfield regular Steve 'Macca' McCullough stepping up and doing a remarkable job with the late call-up. Wade Aunger did send us a special video, not wanting to completely miss out on the Annual John Kelly Roast, with the fun continuing when Wade dropped in via a live video call - don't forget to check out his Methanol Moonshine and get yourself a QLD Proud Sprintcar Loud bottle…

We started the night with a video highlight package before getting into the presentations, starting with our much appreciated sponsors, whose support has again made the season what it was. Dave Horrell and East Coast Logistics again sponsored the local Sprintcar Series in Brisbane, the unwavering support absolutely invaluable to Sprintcars Queensland and our teams. Bryan Mann collected the award on behalf of Dave Horrell.

Bill Mann and Queensland Speedway Spares are another of our major sponsors, and what an honour it was to have Bill with us last night to accept the Appreciation Award.

Ken and Wendy McNamara from KRE Race Engines, Ken and Kaye Thorne from Myla Graphics, Andrew Baumber from Petzyo, Brent Kratzmann from BK Trading and Paul Gislingham from Trax Tyre and Auto were all recognised for their invaluable support this past season, while Glenn Wilson, Dan Roberts and Joanne White were all recognised for their volunteer efforts this season.

The Petzyo Development Series championship provided some newer drivers the opportunity to get some extra laps over the course of the season, with Libby Ellis taking out third place in the championship, as well as the Club Person of the Year award. Ron Hendrickson was second overall while Geoff Davey took out first in the Petzyo Development Series for the 2019-2020 season.

We managed to complete thirteen rounds of the East Cost logistics Sprintcar Series, with Kirsty Kelly, with some help from Erin Vanderreyden throughout the season, selling the 50/50 raffle tickets to help raise extra prize money to be distributed to the drivers in the series prize pool. In a tremendous effort the 50/50 raffles raised an impressive $15,326 over the course of our shortened season. Gary Kratzmann purchased $50 worth of tickets at every meeting while the series prize money also included generous sponsorship from Queensland Speedway Spares.

East Coast Logistics Sprintcar Series Results:
15th- Randy Morgan
14th - Karl Hoffmans
13th - Andrew Baumber
12th - Nicholas Whell
11th - Mitch Gowland
10th - Andrew Scheuerle
9th - Bryan Mann
8th - Luke Oldfield
7th - Kristy Bonsey
6th - Adam Butler
5th - Callum Walker
4th - Brent Kratzmann (who also received the Clubman of he Year Award)
3rd - Ryan McNamara
2nd - John Titman Racing - Kevin Titman and Chad Ely
1st - Kelly's Winfield Racing - Aaron Kelly and Donny Schatz

Some raffle draws followed before we started on the Club Awards, with Karl Hoffmans receiving the Encouragement Award and Adam Butler a deserving winner of the the Most Improved Driver Award. Simon Cronin won the Crew Chief of the Year Award for his efforts on the Q59 racer of Kevin Titman, while Tim Farrell and his team were deserving winners of the Best Presented Car and Crew Award. It was little surprise that Aaron Kelly took out Rookie of Year, with Kelly certainly earning the accolade after a particularly impressive first full season in a Sprintcar. Mitch Gowland won the B-Main Points award, while Brent Kratzmann took home both the Heat Race Points Champion and the Wings Award. The Driver’s Driver Award, where the drivers present on on the night vote for one of their peers, was this year won by Aaron Kelly.

Our 2019-2020 Club Championship saw Ryan McNamara finish third with Kevin Titman second overall. Brent Kratzmann took out the Championship for the year and will be the reigning Champion heading into the 2020-2021 season.

Unfortunately as only two Queensland rounds of the USC Series were completed, it will be a non-result.

It was a season that had it all - thrills, spills, triumphs, defeats and a Global Health Crisis to bring it all to a very premature and sudden stop. John and Kathy Kelly have, again, worked tirelessly for the Sprintcars Queensland Club, Archerfield Speedway and the sport of Speedway in general. Our drivers, teams, families, supporters, sponsors fans and volunteers all help to make the show happen but none of it would be possible without John and Kathy Kelly.

Thank you to all our drivers and teams, the crews, families, friends, sponsors, volunteers and everyone behind the scenes that made this season possible. Plans are underway for next season, and details will be announced as soon as they are available. Take care everyone - we hope to see you all trackside in the not too distant future...


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